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Community Speedwatch - Volunteers Needed

Now that the new village speed limits are in place, we are in a position to recruit volunteers to the parish Community Speedwatch project. For those interested in joining and receiving training details are provided below in how to regsiter:online.

1. Typing into a web browser.
2. Click on the [Register] tab and choose [Registration].
3. Click on [Join Existing Group].
4. Click on [Join Existing Group as an Operator].
5. Choose [Kent] from the pull down and click [Continue].
6. Choose [ Sittingbourne ] from the pull down and click [Continue].
7. Now choose [ Hernhill Speedwatch Group] from the pull down and click [Continue].
8. Finally complete their details in the registration form and follow the emailed instructions.

Complete your details, Click the link on the email once received to verify your email address and then undertake the training, when you have completed your training etc. Your coordinator will be updated and will then be in touch. (Please check your Spam folder as sometimes emails drop in here)


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